Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Family n St00fz.

I am Brett Marshall Marburger and i am 15 years old. I live in college station, Texas and i enjoy hunting fishing and playing video games. I am really out going and love hanging out with friends and what not. =)

My Life Be Like Oh Ah

This Is a 30-30 Win Mag. 1894 model. It is one of my favorite rifles to hunt hogs with. And It shoots really clean, so my aim is well with it.
-Line- they are all lined up in a specific order
Pattern- same gun over 4 lines
-Balance-the are the same size and go together  Proportion- same as balance. Unity- they all look they same and are all together in one piece.
As a child I loved pokemon and played the games often. OF all the game emerald was the best to me. Because it was the one I could beat in record time.
-Movement- the pokemon is moving around in a circle like a flying snake thing =D.
Point- the pokemon starts in the middle and moves around it. but it is pointed to the middle.
-Rhythm- it is a very repitious rhythm as the back ground is just green and white rays in same size and form.
emphasis- its bright and all shazam like.

Those are all things I used to do and now adays about all I do is sleep. I love sleeping. Its AMAZING!
-Smooth- the bed is soft and smooth
texture-the texture is soft and smoth through out the entire picture.
-Unity-it is a bed who doesn't enjoy sleeping. we are all unified by the common cause of sleeping >:D!?!

I love fishing a lot. And Abu Garcia is the fishing reel brand that we use and trust the most. I personally like them the most also.
Emphasis- it is emphasized and blown up picture to show all the different superior parts in it.
-Point-the whole picture suggests point. Cause you will study different parts of the rod.

Another thing that I loved as a kid was digimon. Because I Loved all the little monster things and how they fought. Also Because they looked like pokemon!
-Emphasis- they are all together and happy so there is a great amount of emphasis on the picture.
Rhythm- they are all doing the same thing (rejoicing) so they are in order kinda from most important to least important.

-Movement- They are all like jumping for joy and what not.

Runescape is a game I play not for graphics but because i can play with friends. I enjoy playin it and they update it often. The Bosses are also fun to kill on it.
-Proportion- the game is proportioned as both sides appear the same and thing armor he is wearing goes together and is proportional.
-Color- this game is full of different color things. as the armor and all the different shades in it.
I love pendulum. They produce good music that is very fun to jam out too >:D. I've just recently started listening to him but hes good >:D Proportion-The left side and the right side are proportioned almost perfectly with the ocean and the people and the rocks and coral.                           Color- There are tons of different colors in it along with they all look well together also..

I like Halo reach. It is a good set of games and I enjoy playing them. Halo Reach is fun and competitive
-Unity- All of the Spartans are together for what possibly seems to be a common cause.
 -Point- it is all pointed to the middle then to the sides. so each spartan is a important point in the picture. 

Another Type of music I enjoy is dubstep. I love all the remixs and it makes me happy. No joke like dubstep will take me out of a bad mood I love it =).
-Rhythm- the beat waves suggest rhythm like in their songs also.
-Movement - also the beat wave and words are all moving in a rocking music fashion >:D!

To me I love listening to Stick to your guns. Their songs are good and actually inspire being a good person. Unlike most modern music.
-Emphasis- the heart with the bold words on the top emphasize the importance of the cover and band.
-Pattern- the words and lining are all together to make a nice pattern.