Monday, September 26, 2011

color theory worksheet

Color Theory Worksheet

Please read the materials listed below and answer the following questions:

Please type out answers in complete sentences.  You may paraphrase.  Please do NOT copy and paste definitions. 

  1. Define hue: hue is what distinguishes one color from another
  2. Define value: is the relative lightness or darkness of a color.
  3. Define saturation: is roughly equivalent to brightness.
  4. How many colors are available on our computers? 4,294,967,296
  5. Define secondary color: the colors made with combinations of the primary colors
  6. Define tertiary color: a primary plus a neighboring secondary
  7. Define complementary colors: two colors which sit opposite each other on the color wheel
  8. What are the primary colors in Photoshop?  3
  9. What are the secondary colors in Photoshop? 3
  10. Define subtractive color model: based on the chemistry of mixing printing ink instead of paint
  11. Define additive color model: add 3 primary’s together for a pure white light
  12. Is RGB additive or subtractive? additive
  13. Is CMYK additive or subtractive? subtractive
  14. What is the RGB color model used for? Making pure white light
  15. What is the CMYK color model used for? To make black
  16. Define analogous colors: colors are those which sit next to each other on the color wheel
  17. Define tint: is a color in which white has been added to a pure color
  18. Define shade: a color in which black has been added to a pure color
  19. Define neutral: a neutral is a the combination of complementary colors
  20. What can be said in general about warm colors? Tend to jump forward into prominence in a piece
  21. What can be said in general about cool colors? Tend to recede in a design
  22. What color is associated with stability?
  23. What color symbolizes royalty? purple
  24. What is the color of cleanliness? white
  25. What color symbolizes freshness? green
  26. Which colors are associated with joy? yellow
  27. What color symbolizes passion and danger? black
  28. Dark red is associated with: vigor, willpower, rage
  29. Reddish-brown is associated with: harvest and fall
  30. Dark orange is associated with: deceit and distrust
  31. Gold is associated with: a feeling of prestige
  32. Yellow is associated with: joy, happiness, intellect, and energy
  33. Dark green is associated with: ambition, greed, and jealousy
  34. Olive green is associated with: the color of nature
  35. Light blue is associated with: health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness
  36.  Dark purple is associated with: royalty, and is a symbol of power
  37. Why is the use of color important in graphic Design? Without color life would be blan. But out job as designers is to make life as cool and enjoyable as possible. So with use of colors in the right situations is a strong aspect. So that more people will be attracted to our work. More so then others.

Personal quote revisted

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Family n St00fz.

I am Brett Marshall Marburger and i am 15 years old. I live in college station, Texas and i enjoy hunting fishing and playing video games. I am really out going and love hanging out with friends and what not. =)

My Life Be Like Oh Ah

This Is a 30-30 Win Mag. 1894 model. It is one of my favorite rifles to hunt hogs with. And It shoots really clean, so my aim is well with it.
-Line- they are all lined up in a specific order
Pattern- same gun over 4 lines
-Balance-the are the same size and go together  Proportion- same as balance. Unity- they all look they same and are all together in one piece.
As a child I loved pokemon and played the games often. OF all the game emerald was the best to me. Because it was the one I could beat in record time.
-Movement- the pokemon is moving around in a circle like a flying snake thing =D.
Point- the pokemon starts in the middle and moves around it. but it is pointed to the middle.
-Rhythm- it is a very repitious rhythm as the back ground is just green and white rays in same size and form.
emphasis- its bright and all shazam like.

Those are all things I used to do and now adays about all I do is sleep. I love sleeping. Its AMAZING!
-Smooth- the bed is soft and smooth
texture-the texture is soft and smoth through out the entire picture.
-Unity-it is a bed who doesn't enjoy sleeping. we are all unified by the common cause of sleeping >:D!?!

I love fishing a lot. And Abu Garcia is the fishing reel brand that we use and trust the most. I personally like them the most also.
Emphasis- it is emphasized and blown up picture to show all the different superior parts in it.
-Point-the whole picture suggests point. Cause you will study different parts of the rod.

Another thing that I loved as a kid was digimon. Because I Loved all the little monster things and how they fought. Also Because they looked like pokemon!
-Emphasis- they are all together and happy so there is a great amount of emphasis on the picture.
Rhythm- they are all doing the same thing (rejoicing) so they are in order kinda from most important to least important.

-Movement- They are all like jumping for joy and what not.

Runescape is a game I play not for graphics but because i can play with friends. I enjoy playin it and they update it often. The Bosses are also fun to kill on it.
-Proportion- the game is proportioned as both sides appear the same and thing armor he is wearing goes together and is proportional.
-Color- this game is full of different color things. as the armor and all the different shades in it.
I love pendulum. They produce good music that is very fun to jam out too >:D. I've just recently started listening to him but hes good >:D Proportion-The left side and the right side are proportioned almost perfectly with the ocean and the people and the rocks and coral.                           Color- There are tons of different colors in it along with they all look well together also..

I like Halo reach. It is a good set of games and I enjoy playing them. Halo Reach is fun and competitive
-Unity- All of the Spartans are together for what possibly seems to be a common cause.
 -Point- it is all pointed to the middle then to the sides. so each spartan is a important point in the picture. 

Another Type of music I enjoy is dubstep. I love all the remixs and it makes me happy. No joke like dubstep will take me out of a bad mood I love it =).
-Rhythm- the beat waves suggest rhythm like in their songs also.
-Movement - also the beat wave and words are all moving in a rocking music fashion >:D!

To me I love listening to Stick to your guns. Their songs are good and actually inspire being a good person. Unlike most modern music.
-Emphasis- the heart with the bold words on the top emphasize the importance of the cover and band.
-Pattern- the words and lining are all together to make a nice pattern.